Free Article Submission Guidelines

Free Printable Behavior occasionally welcomes articles appropriate to our content and audience. We primarily address child behavior management issues for parents, teachers, mental health professionals, and caregivers. We reserve the right to refuse a submission if we find the content an unsuitable match for our website.

Free Printable Behavior has permission to publish your article on our website and in our monthly newsletter. We may edit the length if necessary and correct any grammar or spelling mistakes before adding it to our website. We will not compensate you monetarily but will include a short bio and website address. If you are interested in advertising via a live link, we will charge for advertising. You can contact us regarding advertising rates.

We request the right to keep your article archived on our site.

Ideally, submissions should be between 1000 and 2500 words though we are flexible regarding article length.

Any questions should be directed to Joanne McNulty (